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EI Design Pvt. Ltd.
Asha Pandey
Founder and Retired
Asha Pandey is a seasoned entrepreneur with over 36 years of experience. After a successful transition to MPSi, which acquired EI Design in May ’22, she retired in Aug’22. Prior to her retirement, Asha was the Founder and Chief Learning Strategist at EI Design.
In the new post-2019 business paradigm, upskilling and reskilling of the workforce is a critical building block for success. In this article, I cover rapid upskilling of the workforce and strategies for doing it at scale.
Evaluating training effectiveness is critical to ensure training programs support business objectives. If not, they become redundant. In this article, I outline how to evaluate training effectiveness and address inherent shortcomings (if any).
A key to improving employee productivity is to have them learn quicker, but quality content alone can’t help you achieve results. In this article, I share strategies that L&D teams can use to aid quicker learning with long-term learning retention.
The post-2019 era is evolving as an era of rapid changes to business landscapes. mLearning is imperative for rapid upskilling/reskilling at speed. In this article, I show you the value of mLearning and how to apply it in the corporate environment.
L&D teams need to continuously raise the bar for trainings by providing engaging and interactive learning experiences. In this article, I show you the benefits and examples of video-based learning in corporate training.
With a large percentage of the workforce working remotely, mLearning is a must-have strategy for the new learning environment. In this article, I show mLearning strategies that offer enticing value propositions for both learners and the organization.
Self-directed learning is a must-have strategy for learners, L&D teams, and businesses in today's hybrid workplace. In this article, I highlight why you should invest in it. I also share strategies of self-directed learning that you can emulate.
High-performing and younger generational employees expect more from corporate L&D teams. Personalized learning is a powerful way to serve that request. In this article, I outline how personalized learning strategies build better learning experiences.